Keep making love 104 times to pregnancy

The desire to have a baby is a big hope for newly married couples. However, often that hope was receding because the wife had not yet become pregnant. No need to worry, because the latest research says the average couple have sex 104 times before getting pregnant.

Research conducted by Dr. Mike Smith of First Response Agency revealed that a woman needs six months to conceive their first child, with calculations made sex four times within a week.

The study also found, one in ten women are so eager to get pregnant, they asked their husbands to go home during the middle of their ovulation.

Still, 70 percent of respondents said they wanted to get pregnant on the basis of mutual love and sex are spontaneous, not because of 'sex on demand'. This study involved 3000 mothers who follow the family planning program from First Response.

The result, "Doing sex 104 times before dinyakan pregnant look excessive, but for them (couples) are more often 'practice' the outcome is more 'perfect'." Dr. Smith

But Dr. Smith warned, "For those who do not want to get pregnant, it is important to remember that many straight couples get pregnant when they first had sex. So, if you do not want a pregnancy, please still use the necessary precautions." Dr smith said

"Trying to get pregnant is an enjoyable experience for couples trying to have sex at every opportunity to get pregnant," continued Dr. Smith.

In addition, the research also found that two-thirds of women get pregnant more quickly than they expected. But still many who prefer pregnant women because it's time, while others actually forcing pregnant as soon as possible because it wants to get momongan.

Other facts from this research, 10 percent of couples have sex more often than the other 50 percent when it feels the time is right. While half of trying to seduce her partner to get pregnant.

One in three women admitted trying to look more sexy to their partners when they want to get pregnant. But not all attempts to conceive it looks fun or just a mere game.

Almost a quarter of respondents admitted more often to have sex even so 'boring' if its purpose is to build a family. While one of 20 women said they were so anxious to know the good news is when a pregnancy test in the workplace.

"These are anxious moments and a lot of women want to know as soon as possible whether they are pregnant," said Dr Smith

Another big surprise is one of the first 10 women to tell their parents that they want to have kids rather than saying to the couple