Blogger Template: Vector Love Template

Looking for a stylish template for your blog? Vector love template is your answer. Vector Love original design by styleshout, cool stylish free website template and i'm successful convert in to blogspot template, vector love template suitable for your personal blog.
Features :
  1. Automatic read more
  2. Automatic images resize in home post
  3. Navigation bar
  4. Search bar

If you having trouble with this template just send me an email to

Blogger Template: Complexion Magazine Template

This is template i was created for free and named Complexion Magazine Template, another magazine style template and suitable for your blog which focused on business blog and if you are looking to monetize your blog with goggle adsense this is right choose template because i'm design for the sidebar section suitable almost for goggle ads format. And you have don't to worry i'm already have check this layout in many browser on firefox, google chrome, opera, safari and most important is in IE 6 ( its hard work to be good layout in this browser!) and i hope you do not remove credits links because i spend so many hours to create this template for you. Just enjoy this Complexion Magazine Template and start earning with your google adsense :p.

Features :
  1. Automatic readmore and automatic resize an image in home post.
  2. Magazine style
  3. Left sidebar width : 210px ( google ads format :180x150,180x90,200x200)
  4. Midle left width : 130px (googgle ads format : 125x125, 120x600,120x90)
  5. Midle right width : 270px (googgle ads format :250x250x)
  6. Right sidebar width  310px (googgle ads format :300x250)
  7. 5 Column template: 
  8. Vertical navbar from dynamicdrive

If you having trouble with this template just send me an email to and i will fix it for you soon as possible.

Blogger Template: College Of Music Template

This my first conversion template from free website template and this template call it College Of Music. Suitable for personal blog and this layout using magazine style, which in home page i divide main post to 2 column and in item page show full post. Thanks to free website template whom provide free templates and free to distributed but not to for resold :p, and i successful bloggerized this faboulus template into blogspot template and give it  free for you but in one conditional  do not to remove credits , because i spend many hours to make it for you to using this template in to your blogspot. Feel free comments in here if you having trouble to install or find some bug in this template or send me via email to 

Featured :
  1. Automatic read more and rezise your image to thumnail
  2. Magazine style layout
  3. Author highlight comment
  4. 2 column sidebar inline in footer 

Blogger Template: Simple Box Template

Simple box template is 2 column blogger template and designed for you, this template is user friendly which easy to customize in font and colors which you can easily setting in Layout> Font and Color. Simple box template suitable for personal blog, is so clean layout template and most important is i have try in many browser like i.e 6-8, firefox, safari and opera. Just download and try it for your personal blog. Just download this template and upload to use it and don't forget before using this simple box template save your widgets first and copy paste them into Text Editor like Notepad. Feel the new concepts of clean blogger template :p

Features :
1. Automatic resize image in main page on width 150px, and height 160px
2. Automatic read more in your post
3. Extra 3 column in footer section
4. Highlight author comment
5. Unique comment block
6. Simple Navbar

If you having problem with this template you can send me an email to

Blogger Template: Simple Magazine Minima

Simple magazine minima is new version of template based on style magazine applied on basic minima template, feel the new concept of magazine style, so fast loading, easy to customize, and unique layout. Let the simple magazine minima make you inspiration blog feel like magazine layout, and i include the new hack on this template call it rewrite pagination on older post and newer post!!  
Template preview :


Layout Preview :

If you having trouble with this template just send me email to or via messenger Happy blogging friends :D